Contact: Pastor Jim Johnson, Pastor Jean Alix Lusma
Phone: 618 789 4962, 954-934-9602, 407-385-8712, 689-275-7815
February 24, 2023
Dear Elders or Missions Committee,
Greetings to you in Christ from Christ's families in South Haiti. Christian Mission South Halti has been a mission among our people for over thirty-five years. As you may have heard of the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria and the thousands of deaths there, we share their loss and grief. We remain victims of many hurricanes. In 2021, we were the earthquake's epicenter, which destroyed many buildings, churches, and homes in South Haiti. More than that, it has destroyed many lives. All of our churches were impacted. Some were damaged or destroyed. We also lost our Guest House, where our offices, radio transmitter, and office equipment were stored. This was also where
The Director of Christian Mission South Haiti, Brother Jean Alix Lusma, has faithfully served us for over three decades. We have ten churches we minister with. Listed below are the churches and their ministers. We ask you to uplift them in your prayers as their lives are faithful in such very trying times. Last year they were blessed by the Fern Creek Christian Church, aiding their monthly salaries. They sent us $10,000, which we divided among our ministers. This extra benefit helped our ministers for a year.
The earthquake also left many children orphaned and some families without any resources to provide for their children. Our orphan outreach program now houses such children in Christian homes; we also give a monthly support fee. That need is more significant than our ability to meet it as well. Sponsors donate $40 a month to this ministry.
Last year due to the situation with the Mangnant church, we felt it necessary to relocate the church to Ceid. They are in the process of building a church building there. They have little funds and are building as much as they can.
We praise and rejoice for the financial and spiritual support we receive from our supporting churches and individuals, $47,560.71. In addition, the Helping Hands ministry donated $40,000 for repairs to some of our churches. We are deeply thankful for their support of our work.
We also propose bringing a Haitian national to live with you in the States for educational purposes, to attain job skills, or residence in the US. Contact Brother Alix at
It is vital and essential that you pray for our work, our churches, and our members. We do not have adequate words to convey to you the seriousness and dangers our members face daily. Yet, we know of the Lord's faithfulness and constant care for our people. Our churches baptized 37 last year.
Please let us know of any questions you, your Board, or the Missions Committee might have. Please contact us about your support, concerns, and prayers for our mission. We thank you for praying for our work in South Haiti.
Below is the list of churches and the name of each minister who serves with them.
These Churches are working together. Everything we receive, we share it among them. We sincerely need your assistance at this time.
I have a Lesson, Plan Of Salvation in Creole. You may get Some Haitian nationals in your area that you would like to Preach the Good news Of God. Let me know if you will need the lesson I have prepared.
Here we housed ministering missions teams. It took years for us to build this facility and acquire the equipment. Our radio outreach was one of our most successful ministries. To restart this outreach, we need $300 a month.
Since 2017, the southern region of Haiti has had no electricity because of the government's shutdown; we have also been affected by it with significant shortages of food, medicine, water, and transportation costs and methods. Added to that is the everyday gang violence that is endangering our lives. Before the earthquake in 2021, we hosted missions teams and were enriched by their contributions to our people and church buildings. Now with covid still around and cholera rising, you can imagine how hard and harsh life is here for our brothers and sisters. We greatly miss the blessings the missions teams brought to us.
Pastor Jim President : 618 789 4962
Jean Alix Lusma 689 275 7815 . 954 934 9602.